The biases cheat sheet for brand strategy
Words: Nishtha Sharma
Published on February 2, 2024

How often have you heard someone say “I don’t know why but I just don’t like it”?
We form opinions of people, things, (and brands) without engaging in rational thinking. In simple words, a bias is something that throws logic out the window and drives the decision-making process without us even realising it. Biases can make us love and hate inexplicably. So how do we use this to our advantage to guide customer journeys, influence decisions and build stronger brand connections? Here’s our pocket guide to the basics of biases and how to embrace them.
1. Familiarity bias
In evolutionary terms, things that are more familiar are less of a threat. We trust – and favour – what we know.
Application in marketing
Consistency and repetition help develop positive feelings and preferences.
2. Fluency bias
Our opinions are based on how easy something is to understand.
Application in marketing
Simplicity can be more effective than complex words or visuals to gain trust and land a message.
3. Recency bias
We recall, and give primacy to, information that is easily accessible in our memory, often due to recent exposure.
Application in marketing
Gain exposure at every stage of the customer journey for easier brand recall.
4. The halo effect
Our overall impression of something influences how we perceive its individual traits.
Application in marketing
How to leverage existing equity when creating brand extensions or during buyouts needs real consideration.
5. Commitment bias
We tend to stay consistent with words or actions we have previously committed to.
Application in marketing
Disrupting habitual behaviour can be extremely tough. On the flip side, once you have gained loyalty it can be hard to break. Stand out to trigger novelty appeal but be familiar enough to gain trust.
6. Confirmation bias
We tend to actively look for or recall information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs and opinions.
Application in marketing
It’s hard to influence brand equity that’s been built over time; and first impressions matter!