A varied brand and marketing partnership with the Business Improvement District. Working with a wide stakeholder mix to change perceptions and make Vauxhall a destination.

How do you help accelerate change and shift perceptions ahead of development work that will take many years? How do you attract new visitors, get the workforce to spend locally, encourage investment and help local businesses grow?
We needed to find a way to bring Vauxhall’s slightly discordant offer and offbeat spirit together under a brand. We set the strategic direction for the place brand, positioning it apart from the other locations in central London. The brand updates the anarchic and illustrious reputation of the Pleasure Gardens to grab attention and get people to think again about the area. Inclusive, it celebrates variety and difference whilst tackling negative perceptions head-on with a knowing smile.
As marketing partner, we defined consumer target segments and an integrated plan to showcase Vauxhall’s hidden gems, amenities and varied events. We complement this with inward investment campaigns and events, and working alongside stakeholders to help drive change and promote the area as a destination.

“Anatomy have produced exciting and genuinely different work that brilliantly captures the Vauxhall spirit, celebrating its unique heritage in a contemporary way. We have developed a valuable partnership with them that will bring real benefit to the area as it undergoes whole-scale change.”
Bernard Collier,
Chief Executive,
Vauxhall One