Putting it out there – going bold with sexual health for the LGBTQI+ community

56 Dean Street is a sexual health clinic, part of the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Based in Soho, their unique approach considers how social factors like drug use, loneliness, homophobia, mental health and relationships impact infections. Having worked in AIDS wards, the clinic’s management was inspired to do more for the community and tackle stigma.
More recently, they pioneered the use of PrEP, a drug that prevents the spread of HIV, and were instrumental in HIV rates dropping by 80% in London. But conquering one challenge can lead to another. Today’s most at risk segment is young gay & bisexual males, new to London or still living at home with parents. They are often unaware of the risks when experimenting sexually. Our approach was driven by prevention and education, but our inspiration was people and their lives, not health services. An unashamed and self-affirming identity grabs attention and engages a hard-to-reach audience. The site provides information for all but a triage tool prioritises clinic time for the most vulnerable. The brand benefit is about helping make the choices right for them; putting them in control, encouraging self-respect and never judging.

“Anatomy understood our unique challenges immediately and responded brilliantly, helping us think through not just what we stood for, but also our service offering to help us reach the most at risk. Their work is bold, sets us apart and speaks to the audiences we need to engage. We love it and we think it hits exactly the right tone.”
Dr Alan McOwan
Lead Clinician
56 Dean Street